Wednesday, May 22, 2013

How to upgrade to Koha 3.12 in Koha Live DVD?

New version of Koha released with bundle of new features.
You can visit the release notes and check new features available with.

You can also download illustrated release notes,

If you are Koha Live DVD user, you can easily upgrade to 3.12 version.

Apply the following command in Applications > Accessories > Terminal

sudo su    [enter the Linux password when it ask, check read me file to find password]
apt-get update
apt-get install koha-common

After upgrading you have to install additional perl modules missing,

Open Koha staff interface and check,  About Koha > Per Modules

You can find missing perl modules highlighted in different colors,

How to install missing perl modules,
Apply following commands in a terminal,

sudo su
sudo cpan

Here is an example to install a perl module called Data::Pagination

install Data::Pagination

The same way, you can install other missing Perl modules.
Now your Koha is upgraded to Koha 3.12 and ready to use.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

How to safeguard the panels of Xubuntu Linux for public use computers

Remove and modify the items in panels of Linux desktop is a common problem in Internet cafe's and libraries. A solution is available with Xubuntu Linux to prevent removing the items from desktop panel accidentally by users. 
Follow the steps below,

1. Configure the panels before start the process. Add/remove/edit items from panels.
2. Apply the following command,

sudo cp /home/vimal/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-panel.xml /etc/xdg/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/

3. Apply the following command to edit the file.

sudo leafpad /etc/xdg/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-panel.xml

4. Find following line at the top of the file.

<channel name="xfce4-panel" version="1.0">

Insert # symbol at the start of the line.

5. Copy the following line and paste after the line above mentioned line.

<channel name="xfce4-panel" version="1.0" locked="*" unlocked="root">

Save the file. 

6. Restart your system.

Information courtesy: